A doctor that I relate to

Member First Name
| March, 10 2020 | for Martin Poliak, MD

I had the good fortune of having my best friend who was a GP and had been my go-to doctor over many years. When he moved to another city shortly before I became 65 I was at a total loss. Fortunately a good friend and neighbor had recently gone into an MDVIP program when he fell and broke his hip outside a restaurant in New Orleans (we both live in Houston, TX). Going through the experience of helping my friend navigate his medical needs I had to interact with his doctor's office in Houston and immediately saw the benefits of being an MDVIP patient (he carried with him a CD with his entire medical information on it). I was so impressed by the response from Dr. Poliak's office that several years later as I was turning 65, I looked into the MDVIP program. I was fortunate to get an appointment for an annual physical with Dr. Poliak. Having had my best friend as my personal doctor for many years, my standards were high for anyone who was to become my doctor in the later years of my life, but my first appointment with Dr. Poliak convinced that he was the Doc for me and now seven years later, I consider myself very fortunate that I have found a doctor that I have total trust and confidence in.
