A Doctor We Can Trust

Member First Name
| January, 18 2024 | for P. Mae Obermeyer, MD

Dr. Obermeyer has been our MDVIP doctor since the retirement of our previous primary care physician. Like anything new, we were used to our previous physician, one liked and trusted. We hoped we could get along with our new doctor.

Dr Obermeyer is everything a couple in their seventies could want. She is current on medical treatments and potential side effects, explains conditions and treatments in layman's terms, and knows the latest techniques for avoiding issues we haven't yet experienced. She is polite but straightforward (something both my wife and myself appreciate) in explaining test results and the impacts of things we should or should not do. As a result, we've enjoyed numerous positive outcomes. I very much respect her emphasis on diet, on moderation in all things, and on developing healthy habits without over-reliance on medications. She has a broad range of contacts for referrals to the best specialists available and follows up with them before out next visit. Finally, not only is she available to us 24 hours a day, she has a staff that shares a similar devotion to the patients they all treat. We could not be happier with Dr Obermeyer and MDVIP in general.
