Dr. Brechner restored my faith in Doctors.

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| February, 11 2024 | for Brett A. Brechner, DO

I was told I couldn't have children and my husband and I adopted. I then got pregnant and after giving birth I ended up with avascular necrosis. I lived in pain many years and after having a total hip surgery i still was in pain. 7 years to be exact. I was told the pain was in my head and I needed a psychiatrist and I found out later I had the sister to endometriosis and had a total Hysterectomy. It took many years to even want to go to a Dr. again. Finally on the 3rd Dr. I found Dr. Brett Brechner, my husband and I love he is a faith, caring Dr. that truly cares about his patients. Sometimes God works in mysterious ways and it may take time but Dr. B is truly what my husband and I prayed for. He goes above and beyond and has restored my faith in having a good Dr. I wish everyone knew what a good soul Dr. Brechner is.
