Dr. Bruce Lowell, a Brilliant, Insightful, Experienced, and continues to do Research

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| February, 14 2024 | for Bruce K. Lowell, MD

I have been a patient of Dr. Lowell for close to 40 years. He is a general practitioner, but specializes in geriatric and obesity. Every visit with Dr. Lowell is a learning experience, he does not just diagnose my inflection, but explains, not only the causes, or issues, but how it will could affect other medical issues. It appears to me he just loves diagnosing your medical issue and what he foresees coming down the road and steps to reduce or eliminate the issue from developing in my future.
Dr Lowell takes his time with me, explains issues so they are easy to understand, and often will give me reading material on the subject, to further understand and get through understanding. My mind will sometimes focuses on a certain part of his diagnosis and explanation and I’ll miss a fact. By reading or googling additional information I get a fuller picture. He also gives online lectures on current medical issues for his patients and guests, afterward Dr. Lowell has a question and answer session.
Dr. Lowell has a great friendly, caring, and helpful staff, some members of his staff have been with him 40 years or more. I am more comfortable with staff that I have know for many years and makes visits more comfortable, easy going, and friendly.
I believe Dr. Lowell is an exceptional medical doctor. He is kind, caring, thoughtful, friendly, and exceptionally skilled Doctor. He is extremely experienced and truly cares about his patients, you’re not just a number.
I have many medical long term medical issues and see many medical specialists, I find Dr. Lowell’s knowledge, exceptional care, and years of experience far superior to my other Doctors.
