Dr David M. Leightling

Member First Name
| February, 10 2024 | for David Leichtling, MD

My doctor is David Leightling. He has been my family doctor since 1996. He is one of the nicest and most caring general doctors I have had and I don't have any problems getting an appointment with him. He listens, cares, and seems to understand me. I think what sets him apart is how much he cares and I know with as many patients a doctor has and how demanding it is, it can't be easy. He recognizes my stress and helps me deal with things to stay well. I am 70 so before him, I had a few other doctors, all were nice, but none took the time with me that he does. MDVIP makes it easier to see him when I have issues and I would rate him as good but in many cases, excellent. I know I can count on him to be there. Early on, he got me through kidney stones and I was in misery with them. He really helped me solve it. Excellent doctor and endless patience.
