Dr. Debby Fibel is one in a million!

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| March, 1 2018 | for Debbie Fibel, MD

Dr. Debby Fibel is one in a million! My past family doctors were mostly all alike, after a 1-hour wait, the nurse takes you to a cubical, takes your vitals, says the doctor will be right in. After another 1/2 hour a knock on the door and the doc walks in. How are you feeling?, oh thats good, what seems to be the problem?. This prescription will take care of your problem, thank you Mr. Schneider and walks out. From the door knock to the walk out door close, 5-10 minutes tops.
Not Debby Fible. Yes the 1-hour/1.5 hour before doc time is still there, but you do not mind, because I know she will spend that same extra time with me talking about why I am in her office. she lessons, asks pointed questions and discusses care options and recommendations. If she does not know the answer to my problem, she says so and recommends the doc that does know and the referral is always right. My 1.5 hour time was well spent, oh did I mention, we also solved a lot of world problems in the process, a process well spent because I become more relaxed talking about my problem(s).
