Dr. Holgerson cares deeply about his patients

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| February, 28 2018 | for William B. Holgerson, MD
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When I contacted Dr. Holgerson on a Sunday to tell him I had just fallen on a slippery lava rock in Hawaii and broken my wrist, he immediately got to work coordinating my care. He stayed in touch while I navigated the medical system in Kauai, consulting immediately with a top hand surgeon, and arranged for surgery back in Boston once we returned home.

Given it was a bad break requiring 8 screws and a plate to repair my wrist, I am very appreciative of all of his tireless efforts, even responding to an in flight email on our way home when I had a question about the swelling in the hand that was in a splint for a week.

Dr. Holgerson cares deeply about his patients and follows through and follows up to achieve the best possible resolution and outcome.

In this case, he was on the case from day one and I could not be more thankful for his handling of what was a difficult journey. Glad to know he was there on my side every step of the way.

Aloha and Mahalo!

Steve W.
