Dr. Holgerson makes my world safe.

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| February, 27 2018 | for William B. Holgerson, MD

Dr. Holgerson makes my world safe. He is an excellent diagnostician. He is calm, concerned and gives me the feeling that whatever medical emergency comes up he will be there with sound advice and help me to see it through. Through the many years that I have been his patient he has demonstrated time and again that he pays close attention to any complaints that I discuss with him and has always come up with the right treatment for the situation. When a medical problem arises I know that once I have discussed it with him he will be involved completely and direct me to the best solution for the problem. He never dismisses my concerns and patiently handles the smallest of my fears , as well as, the more serious ones with honest, level-headed advice. It is with the deepest appreciation that I say thank you Dr. Holgerson for your patience, kindness and empathy. As a widow and single parent of two sons your endless patience makes my sometimes shaky world into a 'safe' place.. Grace Taglienti
