Dr. Jeha is always there for us!

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| March, 26 2020 | for Zeina Jeha, MD, MPH

I am 75 years old and have a rare form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in both lungs. I've had three rounds of chemo in the past eight years and am again in remission. Dr. Jeha has been my doctor for 18 years and I trust her to give me the best advice. So, when friends began filling my inbox with links to articles on how I should be dealing with the coronavirus, I texted Dr. Jeha and asked her advice, telling her that I am not an alarmist, but should I be? She responded right away, telling my husband and me to "immediately begin social distancing" that "next week will be too late." As always, she was spot on, because the very next day, governors and other leaders were beginning to talk about shutting down everything. She also advised that my husband should cancel all indoor tennis and work from home as much as possible.

We immediately began following her advice and so far, we are doing great! Dr. Jeha has been a great blessing to us.
