Dr. John Koh's medical knowledge is vast.

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| February, 8 2014 | for Han-Jong (John) Koh, MD

Dr. John Koh's medical knowledge is vast. Actually, he saved my life by immediately recognizing , after office tests, that my heart was failing (very slow heartbeat) and made immediate arrangements for my further emergency room tests, hospital admission and talked to a cardiac surgeon who gave me a pacemaker the next morning. Unfortunately, at age 84, I need many medications for myriad illnesses and he carefully monitors the drugs, changes the dosages without over-medicating me. Both he and his nurses are sincere in their care. The office is comfortable, he is on-time with appointments.(years ago, without MD-VIP there always was a long wait both for appointments and the doctor visit). Quest Laboratory testing is done right in his office. The extra dollars spent on this concierge service has been necessary for me.. Thank you Dr. Koh.
