Dr. Judy Okimura changed my life

My previous primary care physician, whom I genuinely like, was saddled with more than 2000 patients and never had more than 15 minutes to meet with me. The nature of that business model made it impossible to be proactive in managing patient care and instead led to pharmaceutical solutions to manage health issues. Faced with a lifetime prescription to Lipitor, I opted for more customized care through MDVIP.
Through MDVIP I met Dr. Okimura, and she has changed my life. The amount of time she has spent with me and the thoroughness of her analysis is incredible. The lifestyle changes she helped me implement enabled me to lose 35 pounds in 6 months and to lower my cholesterol from 247 to 129. She has literally helped me reverse the aging process. At 54 years old, I am now as fit as I was in my 20s and 30s. I am sooooo grateful.