Dr. Laub sits and talks with you about your health and he tries to encourage you to eat the right foods and to exercise on a daily basis.

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| October, 4 2011 | for Edward B. Laub, MD

Dr. Laub sits and talks with you about your health and he tries to encourage you to eat the right foods and to exercise on a daily basis. He always encourages you not to eat foods that are high in cholesterol so your bad cholesterol improves. Then he re-enforces you to keep your good cholestrol at a good number by walking, riding a bike, swimming, or just exercising at least a half an hour to an hour each day along with breaking a sweat so your heart rate level increases and you can burn more calories and lose some weight. I'm always a happy camper when I go to my office visit, get on the scale and hear him say you lost some weight ~ how did you do that? He's very thorough when he gives you your exam, and he goes over all your meds and vitamins that you take on a daily basis! You can always tell he's very concern about your health and your well being! He is certainly an outstanding MDVIP-affiliated physician.
