Dr. Manny Silis is THE best doctor.

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| March, 1 2018 | for Manny P. Silis, MD

Dr. Manny Silis is THE best doctor. I can text him at any time and he contacts me almost immediately. He will call me to deal with whatever issue I am having. Manny takes the time to completely explain things and make sure we have reached a good decision or solved my concern.

When my dad was going through a medical issue, I turned o Dr. Silis to help me better understand what was going on. He helped alleviate my fears and he even worked with my dads doctor (with my dads permission of course) to help my family get through a difficult time.

Dr. Silis helps us navugate through prescription and insurance issues. He recommends specialists for us when he feels we need to go that route and continues to support us when we are working with those specialists.

Manny knows us and understands our needs as well as our personalities so that any treatment plans match us.

Best decision we made was staying with Dr. Silis when he moved to MDVIP as our medical support is so personalized and relaxed. We love our Dr. Manny!!
