Dr Michael Beckman

Member First Name
| January, 18 2024 | for Michael T. Beckham, MD, FACP

I have been a patient of Dr Beckham since my oncologist released me in 2010. I have never been disappointed I pick him as my doctor. He came highly recommended to me and now I know why! He is so kind and never has made me feel like he was rushing through my appointments with him. Last year when I was seeing him he told me he was retiring from practice and before I even knew I was saying “No Dr Beckham, no. He immediately told me he was going a different way and joining MDVIP and I could stay his patient if I chose too. Well I choose to and don’t plan of ever leaving. In his MDVIP program he is able to see me quicker and get a checkup with all these test you don’t get in a normal practice! You can even call him and he gets right back to me.
