Dr. Russell: You are the very best!

Member First Name
| March, 10 2020 | for Chris B. Russell, MD

I am so glad that we found our way to you and that you made space in your practice for us. At 68 and having been your patient for less than a year, I can say without question that you know me better and have a more thorough understanding of my healthcare needs than any of the doctors I have had as primary care physicians in the past. My last two primary care physicians took care of me for 12 and 15 years respectively. Neither of these individuals took the time to talk with me to understand my thoughts about my healthcare needs as you have done at each of my visits with you.

As we watched you care for our aging adopted mom for the past 5 years, we saw how your depth of knowledge and care extended not just her lifespan but the quality of her life as well. We are grateful beyond measure for the physician you are and for the gifts you share so freely and deeply with us.
