Dr Schroeder is kind, attentive and always willing to listen.

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| February, 26 2018 | for John R. Schroder, MD

Dr Schroeder is kind, attentive and always willing to listen. Since joining MdVIP and Dr Schroders practice his availability to us and all his patients knows no bounds. He saved me in the middle of Wyoming on our vacation trip. A cell phone call to him from my husband before regular hours, where he advised that I get to an emergency room, because my symptoms suggested appendicitis ended with surgery hours later. Getting attention quickly helped me avoid further problems.
He offers reading material and always makes sure you have a clear understanding of his diagnosis or thought process. His help finding specialists is always appreciated. Both my husband and I are very fortunate to be part of the practice of such a trustworthy competent doctor. Thanks John Schroeder.
