Excellence in Medical Care

Member First Name
| January, 19 2024 | for Puja Singh, MD

My physician is Dr. Puja Singh. I have been her patient for several years now, and was happy to follow her when she joined MDVIP. Her clinical skills are evident to me, since I am a clinician myself. I find her to be thorough, meticulous, and very, very, caring. Although there are many examples I can give you, the one I will mention here involves the fact that I am also a pilot. When I was placed on medications to manage my blood sugar and hypertension, the FAA required additional paperwork and explanations for me to keep my medical certification as a pilot. While that is not really part of her responsibilities towards me, Dr. Singh willingly helped me with the needed information, filled out the necessary forms, and the FAA allowed me to keep my medical certification. I have spoken to other friends who are pilots, and their experience was not the same. I am grateful for Dr. Singh's clinical skills, and for her caring demeanor.
