Extraordinary Care

Member First Name
| January, 19 2024 | for David Zekser, MD

David Zekser is my MDVIP doctor. He is, quite simply, the best doctor I ever had. You asked for one moment that made a difference. This is difficult because there have been so many. One of the many great qualites Dr. Zekser has, in addition to his knowledge and expertise, is his ability to treat not only the body but also the mind. My husband passed away suddenly almost three years ago. Dr, Zekser was there for me during every moment of my deepest despair and was instrumental in getting through my crisis to the other side. He listened; he advised; he helped enormously. I don't think I could have gotten throgh it without his help and guidance. I come from a family full of doctors and know the difference between the good, the bad and the ugly. I have also come to know that just the practice of medicine is not enough. A good doctor has to have not only the medical knowledge and ability to treat the physical side, but also he must have compassion and empathy for the patient's mental health. Dr. Zekser has this in spades. He is the personification of the good. MDVIP is lucky, as am I, to have him.
