A Gentlemen, a Board Certified Internist, a Life-Saver, an Excellent and Loving Family Man, and a Friend

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| March, 2 2020 | for Ramon A. Solis Jr., MD
Image provided by: Douglas

Dr. Ramon Solis, M.D., easily meets all those qualifications, and so much more.

Having worked in the Medical Industry, for a goodly portion of my adult years, from Hospital CEO, to Medical Sales, and Practice Management, I have worked with, sold to, and fraternized with a large number of physicians. Several years ago, following the suicide of my then, current physician, I found myself at a loss in seeking a replacement. A church friend suggested I make an appointment with his physician, Dr. Ramon Solis.

The appointment was set, we introduced ourselves, shook hands, and following our formal meeting, we adjourned to his office. And here, without interruptions, was the start of a two hour interview. Having life happenings in common, i.e. the medical industry, and a few mutual, medical, acquaintances, my “Dr. App’t”, soon developed into a cordial, question and answer talkfest, with the two of us questioning one another. Our conversations soon centered around two main questions: 1.) Did Dr. Solis want to invite me to become one of his new patients? 2.) Was I impressed enough with this new physician, that I would decide to become a member of his medical practice?

As the office hours were rapidly moving to a close, I was beginning to feel that both of our expectations were being mutually satisfied. Dr. Solis finally inquired of me, “Did I have any further questions?” My answer was, “Yes Sir, one more. What, Dr. Solis, do you feel, has happened to you, in the past five years or so, that may have caused you to become an even better physician?” I will never, ever, forget his answer, and my reply to him was, “You’re hired!” His response back to me was, “Welcome to my practice!”

Since that afternoon, some few years ago, Dr. Solis has brought about a profound change in my lifestyle, both in my physical and my mental well-being. His sharing with me, his kind words of advice and medical expertise, I feel, has greatly enhanced my overall physical well-being. This man is one of the finest physicians I have ever had the privilege of, not only referring to, as my friend, but also as, “My Doctor!”
