He Is The Absolute Best

Member First Name
| January, 20 2024 | for Justin W. Terry, MD

I cannot single out any one moment or occasion that is special with Doctor Terry because every single meeting with him is the same truly special and a touch better than terrific. He as well as his entire staff of professionals treat me like I am there only patient. I walk away after every appointment feeling that he cares more about my health than he does his own. Time is never an issue and there is never anything left for chance. A year or so ago after several different blood tests he diagnosed me with a cancer that the oncologist he sent me to see for observation and treatment said and I quote I do not think I would have found it. How good is that? Anyway in closing Justin Terry is not only a truly great Doctor just or even more importantly he is wonderful person who makes the world we live in a better place. Our entire family is more than fortunate and truly blessed to have him in our lives as MDVIP is to have him in their network.
