He really does care.

Member First Name
| March, 1 2018 | for Brent A. Berger, MD

If all people were like Brent Berger the world would be a better place. He has made me actually look forward to my yearly physical. I have no major health issues, thank God. Dr. Berger's aim is to keep me that way. He focuses on the whole package, mental, emotional and physical. He looks ahead to what might keep me from remaining healthy. He is a joy to talk to. He told me during one of my visits that he considers it a privilege to be allowed into his patients' lives in such a personal way - and he meant it. He really does care.

He was also there, virtually immediately, the one time I actually needed medical advice quickly. I was in Maine on vacation and woke up - on a Saturday no less - with an episode of severe vertigo, vomiting and unable to stand or even sit. My wife called Dr. Berger; he not only immediately called her back and advised her about what might be happening and what to do, but he called back later that day, and again the next, to see how I was doing.

Plain and simple; he's a mensch.
