from a high maintenance healthy patient

Member First Name
| March, 11 2020 | for Daniel M. Ratnarajah, MD

I am a healthy over-50-year-old. My weight is in a relatively normal range and I exercise moderately. I don't drink or smoke. That said, I take full advantage of Dr. Ratnarajah's services. In today's busy world, we are getting very accustomed to instant gratification through technology. I can do my banking online and look up the name of the actress that starred in a particular movie from my phone, while parked in my car. It is so nice to know that I can bounce a simple question off Dr. Ratnarajah via text message. No hoping to get through to a receptionist like I'm dialing into a radio station to win a contest. No nurse to screen my call. It's refreshing. Even better, he always seems so concerned with my concerns, always follows up and always says, "Let me know if there's anything more you need." It's like having the accessibility and personal attention of the old-time doctor with the knowledge of modern medicine. He also keeps up to date on medical issues which is so important with the medical advances happening all the time. Plus, he wrangles all my specialists and records. He's my one conduit to everything health. Our family loves him like he's part of ours.
