As I age, I expect, with Dr. Pearson's advice, to live a life of quality.

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| March, 1 2018 | for Jacqueline T. Pearson, MD
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As far as having Dr. Jacqueline Pearson as my MDVIP doctor, there are few words in the English dictionary that describe her and her practice. BUT here are a few: respectful, capable, sincere, professional, spirited, awesome, good at communicating her knowledge and expertise....etc. I have, on several occasions, received phone calls in the early evening about a test result. This truly set my mind at ease. Also her continued follow-up on my vitamins, exercise, nutrition helps me to continue or slow down on what I am doing. I also commend her staff for their solicitude when it comes to appointments, referrals, background info, or drawing blood for tests. I wish my friends would see the benefits I am reaping and have a Dr. like Dr. Pearson. As I age, I expect, with Dr. Pearson's advice, to live a life of quality.
