I am pleased to say that Dr. Philip Roth has been my family physician for 40 years.

Member First Name
| February, 10 2014 | for Philip Roth Jr., MD

I am pleased to say that Dr. Philip Roth has been my family physician for 40 years. During this time he has always taken care of the health needs of both myself and my husband. When the need arises he always refers us to the appropriate Specialist.

As an MDVIP physician he is even more thorough with his treatments and diagnosis because he is able to spend more time with the patient. I especially like that everything is explained in terms that I can understand. He is also very diligent in finding the right treatment for my needs antibiotics, blood pressure, etc.

Dr. Roth has a beautiful family and is the kind of person everyone likes. Throughout the years I have been under his care I have traveled and done a lot of fun things but what I am enjoying most right now is playing with my great-grandson photo attached.
