I have known Bruce Lowell since I was 19 or 20.

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| February, 9 2014 | for Bruce K. Lowell, MD

I have known Bruce Lowell since I was 19 or 20. I am now almost 50. Bruce has an approach that I would describe as comprehensive, an eye toward the emotional, spiritual, life style as well as physical status of a patient. His ability to diagnose is uncanny; his insight into the patient as a person is sage like.

In my life, I have experienced the passing of both parents, a divorce, and my fair share of mid life crises. One of the mainstays and anchors has been Bruce and his attentive staff, including his wife Diane who manages the office. In a sense, with the loss of my parents, Bruce,and Diane, though both very youthful and beautiful, have become the adoped parents in my life.

Amongst other challenges, having lives through the stigma of excessive weight with a parent, I myself am sensitive to my appearance. I have battled weight gain almost my whole life. Bruce's diet shakes and plan not only provides a significant edge in staying healthy into middle age years, but has enabled me to actually lose and keep off weight, providing some sense of control in my life. Bruce is sensitive to this, and understands the importance of weight management, not only regarding physical health, but emotional health and self-esteem as well.

In the medical world, its often a buzz word--treat the person, and not the patient. Bruce is one of those multi talented practitioners with an eye toward that goal. This, when combined with his extremely keen skills in diagnosing patients (he suspected, sadly , my late father's lung cancer just in examining him and looking at his pallor, knowing he was a smoker) distinguishes him as a rare doctor. His compassion qualifies him a dear friend.

If you believe that health and medical care is part of the human experience, and you want a doctor who treats the whole mind-body, with dignity, respect and wisdom, you may want to consider commencing or continuing your relationship with bruce lowell, md.
