I've enjoyed a one on one relationship with Dr. Drell for many years - more than 30.

Member First Name
| January, 31 2013 | for Steven A. Drell, MD

I've enjoyed a one on one relationship with Dr. Drell for many years - more than 30. He has met my needs and expectations 98 of the time and understands my personality, my level of intellect, my expectations regarding his service, has maintained a very good staff at all times and has been there for me during good times and bad. He has supported me to maintain a healthy lifestyle which I have done all my life since I was a young adult. Save for former weight watching, prescribing supportive meds when needed, he knows I have never drank, smoked, taken illegal drugs or taken unnecessary physical risks and I am happy and enjoy life to the fullest at 75. I'm grateful to have a physician, Steven Drell, who has taken the time to get to know me and support me and my lifestyle since my early years and continues to do so.
