I've trusted Dr. Tibor C. Kopjas with my chronic diseases, medications, and necessary testing for 30 years.

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| March, 10 2020 | for Tibor C. Kopjas, MD
Image provided by: Lauren

Being an insulin necessary diabetic for 40+ years, I have experienced most of the side effects and related health issues associated with that disease. To treat these various issues, I require someone with up-to-date knowledge and information on management of medications, knowledge regarding the meaning behind every blood test, staying abreast of new medications available, and constantly trying to improve my health and add years to my life. He is exceptional in each and every way. After he supported my request regarding bariatric surgery to improve my health and reduce the number of insulin types and number of injections as well as the number of other medications I take, I had the bypass surgery last September. Approximately a month post-surgery I became weaker, frequently nauseated, and had back pain. Repeated calls to the surgeon were handled courteously with suggestions, but I continued to decline daily. The first time I called Dr. Kopjas to let him know how I had been feeling, one month after my standard panel of blood tests with normal results, he ordered a specific panel of blood tests and told me to get them done immediately. He personally called me the next morning to explain that my lab results were abnormal and my kidneys were functioning at a very low level. When I didn't seem to understand what the "numbers" meant, he explained that I was in renal failure. He told me to go to the emergency room immediately and said he would call the hospital to alert them ahead of my arrival. After continuing blood testing and IV fluids, he and the bariatric surgeon determined that I needed to be transferred to Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, MO for specialized and acute care. I spent 9 days in the hospital recovering, keeping Dr. Kopjas up to date on my progress daily, as he had requested me to do. I was released from Barnes in "undetermined" but improving kidney function. Dr. Kopjas followed my recovery closely with testing and office visits throughout the following months. On my annual wellness examination last month, Dr. Kopjas happily reported that my kidneys had recovered completely, with no permanent damage. I owe that fact to the very rapid understanding of my symptoms and ordering of specific blood tests for a specific diagnosis that he made. His standards of excellence continue throughout the office with his nurse, practice manager, scribe, and receptionist. I feel completely confident that I will live a long and much healthier life because of his knowledge, abilities, professional, but personal care, and encouragement to improve in any and every way possible. For years, I have told him that he is "not allowed to retire" as long as I'm alive. I hope he is still listening to my "order."
