Jeffrey Meyers is an outstanding doctor

When I signed up with Dr. Meyers I was pretty ill with a kidney disease and a liver abscess. He took me on anyway. He said we will take one day at a time. He sent me to a liver specialist and took part of my liver out and solved the abscess problem. He saved my life. When specialists are needed he does the work and sends you to the best doctors. He calls me daily when I am in the hospital for my kidneys and makes sure I am getting the best care. When at home he calls me every week to give me tests results for my kidneys. He is always available 24/7.even on holidays. I am so grateful for Dr. Meyers. It is the best decision I ever make by having a MDVIP as my PRIMARY PHYSICIAN. HE IS TOPS IN MY LIFE. THANK YOU FOR TAKING SUCH GREAT CARE OF ME. YOU ARE APPRECIATED. !