Life altering care

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| July, 28 2023 | for Barton B. Thrasher, MD

It seems crazy but it's hard to find a doctor that takes obesity seriously and is willing to treat the condition. So many doctors in the past were quick to offer advice to decrease calories and increase activity, clearly displaying their lack of knowledge and basically saying eat fewer cheeseburgers. It was demoralizing. Dr Thrasher recognized the condition and was willing to take the time needed to really help me. Because of him, I've been able to lose 70 pounds. That may sound like vanity, but it's SO much more. I can move around like a normal person, I can breathe, the heat doesn't devastate me. I'm more healthy than I have been in years. I had given up on any chance of being normal. The most important thing Dr Thrasher has given me is hope. I have another 70 to go, but I know I can do it because he's willing to help me. I can't thank him and his staff enough. They are always available, friendly and most of all competent. I can't thank them enough.
