Michelle Bauer - The very best doctor

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| February, 3 2024 | for Michelle Bauer, DO

Dr. Bauer has been my primary care physician for over 20 years. When she told me of her plans to become a VIP doctor, I jumped at the chance to remain in her care. (My best friend in Arizona has had a VIP doctor for many years and swears by the care she receives.) Dr. Bauer and I have a number of personal things in common: both widows (only 6 months apart), mother of three sons (mine are a little older) and we both love Tetris! This has helped our bond over the years. When I have appointments with Dr. Bauer, there is no doubt she knows which patient she is talking to. She easily recalls my numerous issues and can remember what we did to try and remedy them. She keeps me on track for shots/procedures/tests I need. She looks for ways to improve my health and reaches out to other professionals (PT, orthopedics, cardiologists, OB/GYN) to help me reach my health goals. It is hard to name one situation that stands out because we have worked together all these years to help me be the best me. I have the deepest respect for her and have told she can't retire until I don't need a doctor anymore. Thank you, Dr. Bauer, for being the very best doctor.
