A most attentive doctor

Member First Name
| March, 13 2020 | for Jeffery Meyers, MD, FACP

Dr. Meyers became my doctor well over a decade ago when my previous doctor relocated. This was a stroke of good fortune. At my first visit, he showed a palpable human interest in my situation. The very next day, he called with information he took upon himself to research because he thought it might be helpful to me.

If you call him he WILL call you back that day. On more that one occasion, I've had a problem which required me to see a specialist. Dr. Meyers not only gave me a name, he had his office call, make an appointment, if the appointment wasn't soon enough he had them call another. He will proactively send ahead any information that might be helpful to facilitate and then check back with you afterwards.

He is a truly kind human being, and the most attentive and caring doctor I have ever had the pleasure of seeing.
