My Doctor, My advocate, My Friend

Member First Name
| February, 11 2024 | for Jaime J. Vasquez, DO

Dr Jamie Vasquez has been my primary care doctor for over 25 years, long before transitioning into a concierge doctor practice. My relationship with DR V began over 25 years ago when my former partner and I needed to find a new primary care doctor, specializing in HIV/AIDS. In those early years with Dr V and his nurse, we not only established an excellent patient - doctor relationship, with very careful guidance; we also also were fortunate enough to become personal friends with he and his partner. After my former partner's many years battling the ravages of AIDS, DR V and his nurse paid an unheard of house visit to care for him in the final stage of his life, which meant so much to him and me, especially at that time that he was still caring for thousands of other patients! After my partner passed and as my life progressed, Dr V, his nurse and staff always worked beside me to and help me continue to be a very healthy aging HIV positive patient. When Dr V decided to become a Concierge Doctor, 10 + years ago, there was no question in my mind that I would be willing to pay additional money to maintain the excellent doctor patient relationship which had been developed over so many years. I am so fortunate to continue having Dr V and his staff as my partners, as I age and as my health issues evolve. I always know I will leave Dr V's clinic with a smile, because he and his staff are not only professionals, who treat you with respect but, they are all are down to earth and maintain a great sense of humor. Since early 2023, I have been struggling with a major hip replacement and Chronic Sinusitis, resulting in being very inactive. In my recent Annual Physical, my lab work for A1C and Cholesterol, etc, were out of range test reflecting that inactivity. Dr V was very kind but, clear in his advice/direction to restart a regular exercise program. After recovery from my hip surgery and my second sinus surgery, I feel an obligation to Dr V to follow his advice and exercising should be my 2024 goal. I have great comfort knowing, as my life and my story evolves, that Dr V will be by my side, working together to strive for the very best health. With great respect and gratitude, 
