My Dr. M

Member First Name
| February, 9 2024 | for John T. MacKay, MD
Image provided by: Jeanne

The moment I knew that Dr M should be MY physician was when we did the meet & greet & at no point did I feel bad about my situation. I had been to a dozen or more Offices in the couple months leading up to that day & since my condition involves pain medication I had been treated pretty badly at some of these offices as some Dr's don't prescribe pain meds but don't let you ask about it when you schedule appts. It was different when I contacted Dr M's office. The staff was so nice & it wasn't b/c it was an MDVIP office that was trying to get my business b/c I already had a membership with MDVIP I was there to find a NEW DR & Dr M was kind & non-judgemental! I have OCD & I finally felt like I was going to be ok & for OCD sufferers that is a BIG deal. To not have a Dr for me is a living hell & going to appts only to leave feeling like a failure b/c once again they can't help me is like the sense of constantly falling with no life line in sight! So as our meeting progressed I hoped he was feeling OK with how it was going & was relieved that he agreed to take me on & I'm a handful but never once has Dr M made me feel like I am or like a failure! It's not only about the License on the wall, all Dr's have one of those but does every Dr have a bedside manner that can make anyone feel at ease!? No! Most Good Dr's don't! So now when I am asked Who is your primary Dr? I very proudly reply Dr. MacKay! I want to thank him for taking me on as a patient my life is better with him on my case! 
