My family has been with Dr. Sattin for 30 years.

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| March, 8 2016 | for Sandra Sattin, MD

My family has been with Dr. Sattin for 30 years. I was 6 the first time I was seen by her and now my children are her patients. She saved my father from his heart attack, took extra care of my mentally ill mother and is always available to my sisters and family members whenever we need her whether physically, mentally or emotionally. I am not a very trusting person, but have always been able to go into her office and cry about anything and she always knows how to send me home (if not laughing) feeling a heck of a lot better than when I walked in. I could go on for hours talking about this amazing woman who has not only been my Dr, but my shoulder to cry on, my strength, my guide and my confidant.
