My life has changed due to a large part because of Dr. Hashiguchi.

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| February, 27 2018 | for Steven A. Hashiguchi, MD
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My life has changed due to a large part because of Dr. Hashiguchi. I was 60-70 lbs overweight, eating poorly and not excercing except for golf, Because he cared enough to call me one evening, I changed my life. Even though Id heard the talk about healthy lifestyle was that call from him that changed things for me. I now maintain a weight of 172 ( from 245) for last 3-4 Years.....completely changed what I eat ..fresh fruit,veggies,fish and lean protein. I do something physical each day for 30-60 minuets. At 72, my health is excellent and I look forward to many productive years ahead....and being part of my grandchildrens life.
