Only one to figure it out

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| February, 9 2024 | for Leo Toupin, MD

My sister has been going to emergency rooms, doctors, cardiologists, urologists and many more specialists for about 3-4 months before agreeing to see my doctor, Dr. Leo Toupin.

My sister had been experiencing significant pain in the area of her heart, which was scaring us to death, but no one could figure out what was wrong. For months every doctor told her she was fine, even though she felt like her heart was going to explode out of her chest.

At her very first appointment, Dr. Toupin ordered a sleep study. After getting the results, he diagnosed her with sleep apnea and got her on a CPAP machine. She has never felt that pain again. I believe with all my heart that Dr. Toupin saved my sister's life!

I've been with him for years and now my sister, daughter, and son-in-law all see him due to the thoroughness and ease with which he takes care of his patients.
