Quick Aid

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| January, 18 2024 | for Kim Meadows, MD

I would like to thank Dr. Kim Meadows for her rapid help in 2 instances. The first instance occurred on a Saturday morning, so she had to be reached over the weekend. I called her to report that the Caesarian scar tissue under my belly was very painfully raw and inflamed. I informed her that her predecessor, Patricia North, had previously prescribed an ointment. Dr. Meadows immediately consulted my medical records and phoned into my pharmacy the appropriate ointment. By Monday morning, I was pain free and well on my way to recovery. The 2nd instance occurred through a routine appointment. Over a period of 3 months, I had lost 18 lbs. for no apparent reason. Dr. Meadow's staff performed an immediate blood test. In less than 24 hours, Dr. Meadows' office reported back that I had a thyroid issue. I am grateful that this ailment has been handled for several years. One more comment regarding Dr. Meadows is that I appreciate that she took over Dr. North's practice April 1st at the commencement or the Covid pandemic. She has maintained some of Dr. North's staff for continuity. However having to do her practice initially by zoom limited her establishment of personal warm relationships with her patients and hindered her learning of; locating and establishing with other doctors for referrals.
