Reaching out

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| January, 18 2024 | for Frederic S. Becker, MD

My husband and I have been patients with Dr. Frederic Becker at King of Prussia Medicine for many years. I want to let him know how much we appreciate him. He has been one of those rare individuals who has let us call him from wherever we are, 24/7, to get medical advice or prescriptions phoned in to distant pharmacies. He has reached out to us, especially during COVID, making house calls to check on us at home. How many doctors ever do that?
Dr. Becker saved my husband's life one year when he told Jeff that he needed to get to the hospital or die. Jeff was home alone and having severe pain and breathing difficulties, but he hates going to the doctor, much less the hospital. Jeff ignored most medical advice, but did call a taxi to take himself to Dr. Becker's office. Dr. B then sent him by ambulance to the hospital. Jeff was having several blood clots in his lungs, but managed to survive with Dr. Becker's aid and advice.
