She Listens

Member First Name
| February, 11 2024 | for Helena A. Santos-Martins, MD

I travel 45 miles each way to see Dr Helena Santos-Martins in Danvers, MA. I moved to NH from PA almost 3 years ago where I had a wonderful MDVIP doctor, Elana Kripke. I wanted a female doctor——in my experience, they listen better. Dr Santos-Martin was the nearest MDVIP woman internist. When I drove to Danvers to meet her, I felt the drive was so worth it. Dr S-M was so warm and welcoming. She listened as I reviewed my history and she recommended a balance program at Gordon College since I have Meuniere’s disease and was recovering from labrynthitis. She agreed to prescribe the same meds as my former doctor. About six month’s later, I went to discuss my physical results. Dr S-M was very thorough and she explained a lot. Later, I was undergoing a lot of serious dental procedures and my dentists questioned my continued use of Fosomax as I was losing bone in my jaw. I called Dr S-M. She listened carefully and said she would check with another doctor. Thirty minutes later she called with a recommendation and she explained her reasoning. I am so pleased to have found Dr S-M.
