Singing the Praises of Dr. Mark Andersen

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| February, 11 2024 | for Mark D. Andersen, MD

Quite simply, Dr. Andersen is the best doctor I have ever had—and I’ve had a few in my 81 years of life! I found him by looking at various online physician profiles when I was searching for a new primary care doctor after moving to Omaha 10 years ago. In the video he recorded, he came across as such a caring person interested in the human being in the examination room, not just the patient. And that has been the case whenever I have had an appointment with him. My husband died six years ago, and Dr. Andersen remembers him by name—something I found so meaningful and touching. He is down-to-earth, has a wonderful sense of humor, and puts me at ease when I am worried. When I had my first “in depth” meeting (Part 2 of the MDVIP process) this past November, it felt so different sitting next to him, not on the examination table. He really took the time to explain all the pages and pages of test results, and I have acted on most of his recommendations (all but one). I hope he never retires! 
