So grateful!

Member First Name
| January, 19 2024 | for Kathryn DeAnzeris, MD

I just started seeing Dr. Deanzeris in November of 2022 and since then my health has improved significantly. I don't think there was a single moment but rather her consistent and thorough care that has made a world of difference for me. I had been diagnosed with a rare movement disorder and was on medication that was helping a little, but not that well. I was feeling pretty down about it and didn't really think there were other options that I had not tried. Dr. Deanzeris was so easy to talk to and so interested in what was going on with me, it made it easy to share the issues I had been experiencing. She did her research and came back with a suggestion to try a new medication that has worked so well for me. In fact there are many days when I really don't give it a second thought, which has been remarkable for me. I am so just so grateful for her wonderful care!
