Thank you for your care, Dr. Murphy!

Member First Name
| March, 25 2020 | for Leslie C. Murphy, MD

Paris was on the brink of escalating to Level 3 due to COVID-19, and I was texting Dr. Murphy asking for advice. I was visiting my best friend, but our worlds were suddenly upended. After hours of searching the internet and calling my university, I was even more confused about what might happen to me regarding quarantine and airport closures. I texted Dr. Murphy, and she responded instantly. She not only answered my question, but gave me advice on how to look at the situation holistically and how to ask for a coronavirus test if I started feeling symptoms. Dr. Murphy asked me to keep her in the loop on what my university was doing, and after a few days she checked in with my mom to make sure I had returned safely. This kind of immediate correspondence and personalized care--for my wellbeing beyond physical terms--is what makes Dr. Murphy so good at her job.

Dr. Murphy offered all the same care during my first check-in when I was sick without knowing why. She was thorough, attentive, and sensitive. Thank you, Dr. Murphy, for your focus on the whole self and genuine, personalized care.
