A tribute to Larry Gassner M.D., "Doctor to the Stars".

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| January, 18 2024 | for Lawrence P. Gassner, MD
Image provided by: Wayne

When Larry, ( I call him, Larry, Doctor to the Stars), first told us he was planning to go to a Concierge model, we told him we wanted to be the first patients to sign up. I don't know if we were first, but we certainly were among the first. The fact he chose to do this, was a reflection of his desire to serve his patients better. To allow him to devote the time necessary to achieve that goal, which each and every patient. We loved that idea, and we have not been disappointed, the difference is tangible, valued, and very much appreciated. To give him a little "extra" as a reward for his devotion to his patients, I always try to brighten his day with a joke, if, and whenever, I have one to tell. I like that he is always polite enough to laugh at my joke. I like to think I can tell a good one. Sometimes he responds with one of his own. I laugh politely at his jokes too; after all, if he can pretend to like mine, the least I can do is pretend to like his. For sure, neither of us have a chance of ever getting our own comedy shows, believe me! Congratulations Dr Gassner !
