Truly Saved MY Life

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| January, 18 2024 | for David A. Johnson, MD, FAAFP

That title sounds hard to believe but it's so true. I had cancer, radiation and chemo in 2019. During that time until September of 2023 I would asperate causing pneumonia. This occurred many times in the past few years. Dr David Johnson would clear it up with antibiotics but weeks later it would return. Once in early 2023 my 02 was so low they needed to medic vacd me to the hospital. They said I shouldn't be alive it was so low. I had gone to lung doctors, ENT doctors, my radiation doctor and ALL said nothing could be done. Dr. David Johnson said he'd find a way to stop this asperation pneumonia from happening since it was slowly killing me. He looked and looked and got in touch with MD Anderson cancer Center in Houston. He set up our appointments down there for us. During my flight my 02 was so low I passed out but was administered 02 and made it to the hospital. We went for an evaluation in which they said I needed a total laryngectomy immediately. I had it and stayed 45 days in Houston. Bottom line if this incredible caring family doctor had not worked his tail end off finding me a place to help me I would not be here writing this. Since that time I haven't had no pneumonia, can eat and soon will not need my feeding tube. Prior to all this I was a very active farmer. Now I'm finally getting my life back thanks to this amazing human being. I consider him not just MY family doctor but a true friend. I have seen probably 30 doctors since my cancer and yes he's the only one who really took time to help me. Be thankful I don't know how to do those moji things on here. I would be doing a happy dance for you. Please write him and thank him for me. I've expressed it but he just smiles saying he was very happy to help me get better. I know he treats his other patients in the same manner. Thanks for letting me share this. I could use up my other 3235 characters giving him kudos but by now I'm sure you have got the jest of it. The photo attached is from this Christmas. I sent it because I truly did not believe I would make it till Christmas. This is family and friends I got to share it with thanks to Dr Johnson's caring ways. Kind Blessings - a cancer survivor
