Member First Name
| January, 29 2024 | for Sarah Morris, MD, FACP

Thank you, MD-VIP for giving me this opportunity to praise my marvelous concierge doctor, Sarah Morris, MD. You suggested that I attach a picture of an outstanding moment in my life, so I am sending (separately) a picture of the celebration of my 80th birthday last June: My husband and I are the King and Queen in the center , surrounded by our 3 daughters, their husbands and the wonderful 11 grandchildren that they have given us. All of us are grateful to Dr. Sarah Morris for taking excellent care of "Grandma". Personally speaking, Dr. Sarah has been an excellent medical professional for me. She is compassionate, knowledgeable, and most importantly, she maintains eye contact with me and she listens attentively. As soon as she walks into the examining room or returns my call, I relax. I know that I am in good hands and all my health issues will be handled. Dr. Sarah is a marvelous person, doctor and friend. I, and my family, cherish her. May God bless her and her family. 
