A Very Valuable Suggestion

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| January, 19 2024 | for Scott J. Schaeffer, MD

I have had a benign but unsettling heart arrhythmia for about 15 years or longer. Approximately once a month i a could feel palpitations, sometimes severe, and concurrently my pulse dropping below 50, sometimes 45 BPM. My cardiologist , a very copmpetent one, repeatedly confirmed the benign arrhythmia diagnosis in our annual meetings but could not suggest a possible cure. About five years ago, during a routine physical check up, Dr. Scott Schaeffer suggeted taking 400 mg Magnesium as a dietary supplement. Over a period of one year, the frequency of my arrhythmia episodes decreased to practically zero and have remained at that level ever since. It may sound alike an exageration, but it was a life changing event for me. Than you Dr. Schaeffer! 
