Your office staff have been very helpful in setting my appointments

Member First Name
| March, 2 2018 | for Robert L. Schiff, MD

Aloha Dr. Schiff,

Thank you for your care and support for helping me recover from many of my injuries and illnesses over the years. Test after test have shown it takes a doctors guidance and patients willingness to better one's heath in being mindful about recovering after each cold, injury, surgery and developing a good peace of mind about my heath. With your help I hope to live another 10 more years and beyond.........
Your office staff have been very helpful in setting my appointments, scheduling my tests with other specialist but most of all they give you a cheerful feeling after each visit. The services they provide are greatly appreciated.
Thank you Dr. Schiff for your expertise and patient care for the last 20 years.
Best Wishes to you and your family!
Malama P. - Eric K.
