Dr. Hilty is the most present, kind, and competent professional I know. Just a couple of examples:
I was shaken by word from my urologist that I had metastatic prostate cancer. I didn't want to tell my wife, with no one present to help explain or provide some support. Honestly, I needed someone to "hold my hand." So I called and asked Dr. Hilty to call ME and "suggest" we come in to discuss my latest evaluations. He "got it." And he very promptly cleared a full hour for us and handled the situation with great warmth, careful explanations, and a positive outlook. Next, he arranged for a consultation with a university physician who was at the forefront of research on my specific type of problem, resulting in a nuanced treatment plan with the very best prospect of success. Ultimately, under the ongoing specialty care arranged by Dr. Hilty with a wonderful local oncologist, I have continued for eight years with no sign of cancer recurrence.
All the while, of course, Dr. H keeps me functioning with regular evaluations, preventive advice, referrals to the best specialists, and treatments for the aches and pains common to an 84-year-old. He keeps me in shape for travel, twice-weekly golf, and the singing and "shaking-it" required for doing gigs with a 5-guy doo-wop group, "The Bald Spots."
I'll share just one more example of the accessibility and special responsiveness of Dr. Hilty:
About a year ago, I experienced leg pain and swelling that turned out to be signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis. It was about 6 pm, and my wife and I were traveling in the mountains, seven hours from home and 45 minutes from the nearest hospital. Before heading for that hospital, Kathy called Dr. Hilty's after-hours number to relay to him what was going on. By the time we arrived at the E.R., the doctor there had all my relevant medical records, sent by Dr. Hilty, and therefore was ready to intervene. My wife, following Dr. Hilty's request, called him again as we left the hospital at about 10 pm, telling him I was good to go. He sincerely thanked her for calling. As soon as I got home, Dr. Hilty wanted a look at the leg, and he kept bugging me to email photos every couple of days until the swelling went down and all other symptoms cleared.
I try not to make a habit of needing such levels of immediate attention and care. Dr. Hilty is no patsy or bleeding heart. He is professional, efficient, and able to delegate as appropriate to his personable and EXCEPTIONALLY competent staff. But when the chips are down, I know that Dr. Hilty will go above and beyond all normal expectations in providing the best of attention, the best of advice, and the best of care.