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| January, 20 2024 | for Oscar M. Aguilar, MD, MPH

I don't have one particular moment that stands out, but can think of a few reasons I appreciate having Dr. Aguilar as my physician. Firstly, when I found myself in the ER last summer, I texted Dr. Aguilar, and he responded very quickly, and wanted me to keep him abreast of the treatment I was receiving. I found that to be comforting, and appreciated his support. Of course, a follow up visit to him was soon to follow. Secondly, he is always very caring and concerned about any issues that I bring up to him. When I was out of state not long ago, had a minor medical issue, and he was able to prescribe a remedy before I headed home.
Dr. Aguilar and his staff, are wonderful, and truly appreciated!
