The best doctor I ever had

Member First Name
| February, 9 2022 | for Gabriela W. Bowers, MD

Dr. Bowers has been my doctor for well over a decade, and I value her more with each visit. She is everything I ever hoped for in a doctor--well trained, sensitive, judicious, caring, and compassionate. She has an absolutely wonderful manner--a relief after some of the doctors I have had over the years, and at the age of 76, I've had quite a few. What I've noticed is that since she has become my doctor and especially since I began the MDVIP program with her, I have a lot more confidence about my medical treatment and significantly less fear. She makes me feel as if we are part of a joint effort to maintain my health and that her commitment to me is inherent in that effort. I hate to think of a time when she will no longer be my doctor because I hold her in the highest possible esteem and would hate to lose her as the mainstay of my medical treatment, especially as I get older.
